• Member Testimonials

  • Membership with the Chamber Executives of Ontario has been very beneficial for me over the years.  The conferences have been an opportunity to share experiences, be informed and meet other Chamber Executives.  The Operation Survey is a great tool to help evaluate our procedures, policies, by-laws, budget and etc.  I would encourage all Executives of Chambers to join this organization.

    Denise Hayes, General Manager, Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce

  • CEO answers both of my needs, good speakers and education combined with opportunities to learn from my peers. I book CEO conferences in my calendar and work other events around them. It has to be a priority as an opportunity to learn and give back.

    Keitha Robson, General Manager, Timmins Chamber of Commerce

  • To me professional development means learning new things in the most efficient way possible. That of course includes CEO. The conferences have allowed me to not only pick up great ideas and feedback from my peers, but have also introduced me to dozens of people that I can email or call for advice.

    Stuart Harrison, General Manager, Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce

  • Membership in CEO shouldn’t be seen as an option for Chamber personnel, it should be considered a vital necessity.  The learning, sharing and contact that CEO enables by gathering Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade leaders from across Ontario is essential to work, survive and thrive in today’s challenging environment.  Just as local Chambers extend opportunities for local Members, CEO provides Chamber staff with the tools to make them the best they can be. Participation and involvement by Members is critical for the success of any Chamber or Board. For that same reason, participation in CEO by Chamber staff is both logical and essential.

    R. W. (Bob) Hammersley, President & CEO, St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce


    Join CEO for significant savings on surveys, best practice publications, conferences and to help build your profession